To view, edit and review what you’ve assigned to students, head to the Assignments dashboard, accessible from the main Discovery Education navigation menu.
Assignments can also be viewed from the Classrooms page
On opening the Assignments dashboard, you will be shown a sortable table which displays everything assigned to pupils and classes.
- Assignment: the name of the assignment. This name also links to the assignment document or resource.
- Class: the class that you have assigned this resource to
- Status: this shows at a glance which assignments are active, upcoming or past
- Type: the assignment or resource type (e.g., video, assessment, Studio board, etc.)
- Start: the date the content or assignment was assigned to students.
- Due: a date selected by the teacher when assigned to students. In most cases, students can still access an assignment and submit after its due date. Past-due assignments move the the Past due tab on a student's dashboard.
- Complete: the number of pupils that have completed the assignment out of the total number of assignees.
- Results: link to the scores achieved in that assignment if applicable
Actions (ellipsis icon):
- Open assignment: navigates to the assignment
- Edit date: change the Start and/or due date
- Unassign: cancel the assignment
- Edit instructions: displays the instructions for the assignment and allows you to edit them
Filter assignments
Use the filter menus to organise the assignments table to your requirements.
Assignment progress and details
To get data about a specific assignment, click on its title in the assignment table.
You will then be able to analyse the progress the students have made on that assignment.
This will highlight any assignments completed that need reviewing or marking.
From this view it is possible to click on the name of the student and be taken to the pupil assignments report.
(This displays all assignments for that student assigned by the viewing teacher. To view assignments set by different teachers, click on View Student Detail for all Classes.)
- Assignment: select the assignment’s name to preview the assignment.
- Status: statuses include Not Started, In Progress, Submitted, etc.
- Type: the assignment or resource type (e.g., video, assessment, Studio board, etc.)
- Start: the date the content or assignment was assigned to students.
- Due: a date selected by the teacher when assigned to students.
- Progress: this shows at glance if the assignment is missing, complete or unmarked
- Results: displays the result of assignments that have scoring, such as Assessments, or is marked 'Needs Grading'
Actions: each assignment has a set of actions based on the assignment type. All actions will apply only to the specific student.
- Open Assignment : navigates to the assignment
- Edit date: change the Start and/or due date
- Unassign: cancel the assignment
- Delete attempt: if completed, remove the student's attempt to allow them to re-take assignment
To save the details of the student's assignments to a CSV file, click on Download Scores in the top right-hand corner of the screen. These files are often compatible for upload to external learning management systems (LMS).
Results Dashboard
From the assignments table, you can view all scores for the specific assignment by clicking on View Results
In the Results Dashboard, you can click on the coloured icons to look at how the student answered each squestion.
Click the Download results by question button to download the results into an Excel spreadsheet.
Student names can be hidden to anonymise the results and you can click on the student's name to view their bank of scores or to override any scores.
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