You will find a wide range of high-quality and age-appropriate videos for you to use when planning lessons and setting homework.
For each video resource you are given options about how you would like to use the video.
Within each topic, you can select the videos that you would like to work with.
By tapping on the ellipsis icon above the name of the video, you choose between:
Assign - You can assign a video to specific pupils, a group, or your whole class.
Share - There are several ways to share content, including by link, Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams.
Save to My content - If you plan to use a video frequently, want to organise resources into folders for lessons or units, or want to share it with others in your school, you can add it to your My content folders.
Once you have selected a video, you will be given the above options, and also the chance to Download the video and save it to your computer, flash drive or other device. You can select the file quality and save the file to your desired location. Once the download is complete, follow the path for the download location you selected to find the video files on your computer.
Every video can be included in your own presentation or lesson, by using them in the Studio tool.
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