From time to time, you may need to see the 'student view' in Discovery Education. This is possible through the 'Sign in as a Pupil' feature.
The Discovery Education platform offers teachers the opportunity to log in as one of their students from the Teacher homepage. This is also known as impersonating a pupil.
To sign in as pupil:
Select Classrooms from the main menu of the Discovery Education homepage.
Then choose Pupils from the side menu.
Locate the student you wish to impersonate and click on the ellipsis icon at the end of their row. Select Sign In as Pupil from the drop down menu.
This will then launch the homepage of the student's account. You are free to move around the platform as the student.
When you have finished viewing the student's account, click on the student's initials in the top righ-hand corner and select Quit Impersonation to return to your Teacher homepage.
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