Discovery Education Espresso combines real-world content with tools and resources that encourage student engagement and build teacher capacity and confidence.
Access to Espresso
To access Espresso from the Discovery Education home page, click on the Espresso tile.
Espresso Homepage
At the top of the Espresso homepage, you will be able to navigate directly to our Key Stage specific content by clicking on the Key Stage tiles in the right-hand corner.
The content is then arranged by subject area.
For more information about the content available, see What type of resources can I find on Espresso?
Homepage Features
You are also able to navigate directly to some of our other key features from the homepage.
Time for Phonics
Time for Phonics is our DfE validated activity-based phonics programme covering Phases 1-5. It follows the Letters and Sounds progression and is available as part of your Espresso subscription.
For more information, take a look at Time for Phonics.
Immersive Learning
Immersive Learning refers to the interactive and engaging activities that have been created to spark your students' imagination and to unlock deeper learning.
Within this area, you will find immersive apps and interactive activities to amplify teaching and learning across the curriculum.
You can find help on Immersive Learning in this area.
Curriculum Collections
Resources found in Curriculum Collections are created to provide activities and topics that go beyond the regular syllabus, allowing your students to develop well-rounded understanding in numerous topics.
In this section, you will find Assembly presentations, narrated stories, games, activities and educational video collections. More details available here.
News and Topical
Each week, in collaboration with our partners at ITN Productions, we release timely and engaging news content specifically tailored to primary schools.
Interactive quizzes based on the bulletins are also released on a weekly basis. Tell me about the News and Topical Content resources.
Discovery Education Classroom Tools
In addition to the extensive content and resources available in Espresso, you also have access to the suite of Discovery Education classroom tools and features.
Click on the main Global Nav menu on the left-hand side of the screen and you will be able to manage your classroom accounts, set assignments, create your own lesson boards and presentations, browse teaching support strategies or set quizzes.
Further Help or Support
To access our full Help Centre at any time, select from the footer at the bottom of any page.
Your School Success Advisor will also be very happy to answer any questions you may have.
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