The Quiz tool allows teachers to create fun and interactive quizzes to assess understanding and engage their students in the classroom.
Access Quiz
To access the quiz tool, open the main navigation menu on the Discovery Education dashboard.
Quiz Types
There are three different quiz types available:
- Video Quiz: Embed questions in Discovery Education videos to create quizzes, with a variety of question types. Video Quiz offers 3 question types: short answer, poll, and multiple choice.
- Standard Quiz: Create multiformat quizzes, with a variety of question types such as short answer, poll, multiple choice, annotate, draw, multiple select, and audio.
- Ask Live Quiz: Facilitate a live activity and ask students verbal questions, with them responding from their own devices in a short answer format.
Quiz Homepage
Your Quiz homepage will open when you have selected Quiz from the main menu. From here, you are able to view any previously created quizzes as well as their results.
When viewing your quizzes, you have several options:
- Filter the quiz list by video quizzes and standard quizzes.
- View the status of a quiz - draft or completed. (A draft quiz will be marked in the table of quizzes.)
- View the number of questions or number of times the quiz has been used.
- Take actions: Continue Planning, Delete, (only these options are available for draft quizzes), Assign, Launch Now, Edit, View as Student, Share, Delete or Print (available for quizzes whose compilation has been completed)
Create a Quiz
To create a new video or standard quiz, select the Create New button in the upper right corner.
Assign or Launch a Quiz
Once you have finished creating your quiz, there are two methods for getting the quiz to pupils:
- Assign: Video and Standard Quizzes can be assigned to pupils to complete on their own timing within an assigned timeframe.
Live: Video and Standard Quizzes can be launched live. A pupil will have a code to enter to access the quiz. Live Quizzes have two options:
- Pupil-led: The pupil progresses through it at their own pace.
Teacher-led: The teacher controls the pace.
- Video Quiz: The teacher would play the video whole group and questions would appear on the pupil screen at the marked moments.
- Standard Quiz: The questions appear on the pupils screen based on the teacher advancing the questions at their own pace.
View Quiz Results Dashboard
From the Quiz homepage, select My Results to view all quizzes that have been assigned or launched. Then, select the title of the quiz to view specific results for that quiz.
The results dashboard will give you a class summary at the top, including the number of questions, participants, and success on the quiz.
There are three ways to view the quiz results:
Report View: Gives you a quick glance at your class as a whole and their progress by question.
Question View: Grade results and view trends by question.
Pupil View: Grade results and view trends by pupil.
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